Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH, Messepiazza, 70629 Stuttgart
Mon. | Thu. 09:00 - 17:00
Stand 5311
Sinteco will be exhibitor at Motek 2019, which will take place in Stuttgart from 7 to 10 October.
The Motek is one of the most important events in the world for the automation and assembly sectors, with a focus on all the steps of the production process.
The fair's target includes various sectors such as the automotive, machinery production, electrical and electronic industries, medical engineering and solar energy production, all fields for which Sinteco designs and manufactures its own robotic lines.
Motek is considered an important appointment for designers and production managers looking for new ideas and solutions, so the wait for the event is high.
At Hall 5 • Stand 5311 it will be possible to see one of the solutions that Sinteco employs in the production of its custom-made automated systems: a mechanical transfer with high production rate and high precision while offering a high flexibility and versatility for quick model changes.
Sales Area Manager
Sales Area Manager
Sales Engineer