コーポレート Sinteco 10/01/2018

Sinteco, official sponsor of DOLOMITI IN SCIENZA 2018 (Dolomites In Science)


Sinteco, official sponsor of DOLOMITI IN SCIENZA 2018
(Dolomites In Science)​

The wait is over! The programme of the new edition of Dolomiti in Scienza is ready and this year the scientific divulgation will meet the theatre.

The Dolomiti in Scienza, held every year in Belluno, between January and March, has become one of the most important scientific events in Italy, the various conferences proposed (for years the Scientific Dissemination Group collaborates with the Museum of Natural Sciences of Alto Adige) are always very appreciated with the public.

Read the programme: www.gdsdolomiti.org

Dolomiti in Scienza (Dolomites in Science) is the main event organized by Gruppo Divulgazione Scientifica Dolomiti (Science Communication Dolomites Group).
Every year, the event is enriched with international well-known scientists and professors. All appointments will be held in the theatre hall of Centro Congressi Giovanni XXIII, Piazza Piloni 11 – Belluno. The event is in collaboration with “Bellunesi nel Mondo” Association (it will be broadcasted by the voice of Dolomites: the Radio ABM) and the sponsorship of Belluno city.

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